Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
Who should be tested for immunologic causes of reproductive failure?

Every woman experiencing two or more recurrent pregnancy losses, unexplained infertility, infertility associated with endometriosis and those with a history of autoimmune disease.

In infertile men, what is the most significant hormone level to be evaluated?

FSH is the most significant hormone. FSH indirectly relates to sperm concentration and therefore can be helpful in determining whether lack of sperm production or obstruction is responsible for a low sperm concentration.

What insurance companies cover your tests?

Most PPO insurance companies cover our tests. However, each insurance company has several levels of coverage with specific requirements. If there are any questions, you should check with your insurance company.

Does immunologic testing help with infertility treatment?

Yes, in some cases of unexplained infertility. Among couples experiencing unexplained infertility or IVF/implantation failure, approximately: 
30 to 40% will have an autoimmune component, demonstrated by the presence of antiphospholipid, antinuclear or antithyroid antibodies. 20 to 25% will have an elevation of circulating natural killer cells or an elevation in natural killer cell activity.
Identification of couples with immunologic risk factors allows for more specific treatment regimes that address the cause of the infertility.
